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Lopez's Trash Mermaid made from Great Islands Clean Up litter!

Our bodacious babe, Rik Rak the Trash Mermaid Queen!

Twice a year there is an islands wide Great Islands Clean Up. Lopez has participated for the last five years, and this year we added a bit more fun to it! We invited all the other islands to try out an art challenge: to build a sustainable sculpture from the litter collected during this Spring's Great Islands Clean Up. Lopez and San Juan Islands had art teams.

Lopez designed a mermaid, and gathered all the materials from litter collected from the 61 miles of beaches and roadsides cleaned this spring!

Some of the litter collected

Our team: Ron Norman and Nick Teague on structural design and fabrication, Nikyta Palmisani, Kate Scott, Vern Norberg, Jonathan Dahl, Luna Doherty,

her friend May, and Colin Doherty on design fabrications and decor.

Ron and Nick build the internal armature

Other folks kept dropping by and lending hands-- Thanks to Kerry and Sydney Ratza, Jack Pedigo, Page Read, and a host of others who jumped in!

Our build team had the goal of a 36 hour build from start to finish, and we completed it!

Build team

To see the art completed by Lopez and San Juan, come to the Talking Trash Workshop on San Juan Island, Thursday, April 25th from 5-7 pm.

After that, Rik Rak will be on display at the Lopez Dump.

We started Saturday afternoon and ended Sunday before dinner!!


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