Litter & Noxious Weeds
These San Juan County programs invite community members to collect and dispose of litter and noxious weeds, free of charge:
Beach & Road Litter
Lopez residents can bring litter they picked up from public beaches and roadways to the Lopez Dump for free disposal. In order to dispose of litter for free, you must notify the attendant upon arrival and provide details: your name, your contact information, the number of people who picked up litter, and the location where the litter was picked up.
Noxious Weeds
Lopez residents can bring most noxious weeds to the Lopez Dump for free disposal, up to a certain amount, as long as you follow the guidelines below. Here's what you need to know:
To dispose of noxious weeds for free, you must provide your name, contact information, and the general location of the collected weeds (specific address not required) upon arrival at the Dump.
Households are limited to six (6) 32-gallon bags of noxious weeds per visit. Please use transparent bags, available at the Dump kiosk. If your volume of weeds exceed this limit, please contact the SJC Noxious Weeds Board, who will help you control your weeds at no charge.
All noxious weeds included on the given year's San Juan County noxious weeds list are accepted EXCEPT FOR blackberry, reed canarygrass, and English ivy. You can pay to dispose of blackberry, reed canarygrass, and English ivy at the Lopez Dump with your regular garbage.
San Juan County will help you control large populations of noxious weeds, free of charge. Learn more.