Meet the Team
Lopez Solid Waste operates under a Governing Board comprised of all current members of the San Juan County Council, as well as a Managing Board of Lopez community members. Our staff is a mix of full-time, part-time, and on-call employees, and we rely on a dynamic team of dedicated volunteers who've always been central to the LSWDD story.
Ric Carr, District Manager & Public Records Official | rickc@lopezsolidwaste.org
Colby White, Facility Manager | colbyw@lopezsolidwaste.org
Jessica Deckwa, Facility Administrator | jessicad@lopezsolidwaste.org
Sarah Reeves, Community Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator | sarahr@lopezsolidwaste.org
Rachel Henderson | Take It Or Leave It (TIOLI) | rachelh@lopezsolidwaste.org
Terry Archer, Operations Assistant & Driver
Noah Burker, Operations Assistant
Mary Coffey, Operations Assistant
Dan Post, Driver
Pam Stewart, Chair (Term exp. 12/31/2028) | pams@lopezsolidwaste.org
Ross MacDonald, Vice Chair (Term exp. 12/31/2028) | rossm@lopezsolidwaste.org
Gene Helfman, Secretary (Term exp. 12/31/2026) | geneh@lopezsolidwaste.org
Cyndi Smith (Term exp. 10/14/2025) | cyndis@lopezsolidwaste.org
John Trench (Term exp. 6/30/2027) | johnt@lopezsolidwaste.org
June Coover (Term exp. 1/31/2028) | junec@lopezsolidwaste.org