Volunteers have always had a direct and meaningful impact at the Lopez Dump.
Help customers sort recyclables. Volunteers help prevent contamination (i.e., no food waste in the cardboard, no plastic in the mixed paper, no hazardous materials in the plastics), ensuring our recyclables are actually recycled instead of ending up in the landfill. Effective recycling also generates income for Lopez Solid Waste, which helps sustain our free recycling program!
Help staff prepare recyclables for transport. Difficult-to-recycle items like batteries and fluorescent tubes are safely packaged and recycled through specialized programs, and volunteers play an important role in sustaining these programs for our community.
Sort and organize donations at Take It Or Leave It (TIOLI). TIOLI volunteers take care of this cherished island resource, sorting and organizing donations and making sure the space is clean and accessible to everyone. TIOLI volunteers help divert thousands of pounds of reusable items from the landfill every year!
Disassemble recycled metal items and appliances, separating materials into "pure" metals that can effectively be recycled.
When you're volunteering at the Dump, you will have access to fresh water, snacks, bathroom and hand-washing station, sunscreen, hand warmers, chairs for breaks and umbrellas for shade. LSWDD provides all equipment, including gloves, grabbers, high-visibility vests and coats.
To learn more and start volunteering at the Dump, email Sarah Reeves at sarahr@lopezsolidwaste.org.