The cost of recycling printers has skyrocketed to roughly $16 a printer, without any guarantee that full recycling of the printer is actually taking place. Rather than pay high fees for a product likely to end up in the landfill, old printers will no longer be accepted as recycling at LSWDD. Printers are unfortunately a “non-program” item that the state’s E-Waste subsidies do not cover.
LSWDD is encouraging customers with printers to recycle these by sending them back to the manufacturer or by taking advantage of printer and ink recycling programs at box stores near the I-5 corridor. Customers are encouraged to check out Staples, Office Depot, and Best Buy.
Hewlett Packard (HP) takes back nearly all of their products back for free as a part of their consumer buyback and recycle programs. LSWDD tested out HP’s system and found its directions clear and easy. Placing your machine in a box and shipping it off is the best way to recycle your printer for free
To Recycle Printers through HP’s “Consumer Buyback and Planet Partners Recycling Program” go to https://hphho.tradeups.com/Customers/51/GetQuote.aspx. Enter your product name and number and a quote will be generated for you. Create a customer profile. In 24 hours, you will be sent a confirmation and a shipping label for to you print to return your HP Product free of charge. On Lopez, you may call FED Ex for a free home pick up: 1.800.463.3339 or https://smallbusiness.fedex.com/manage-pickup.html. Simply put your printer in a shipping box, (available at the Dump!), affix the label and leave it for FED Ex pick up. Once your printer has been received, you will receive a confirmation email.
Staples box stores also participate in printer recycling programs and will accept other brands of printers besides HP. The closest Staples is located at 105 Mall Way, Marysville, WA 98270. Currently, Office Depot stores will give you $2 for each printer cartridge you return to their stores up to $20 in store credit. Although this takes a little more effort, recycling this way puts more responsibility on the manufacturers and saves you money.