BlueSnake CandleCo. is a Lopez Island small business focused on the creation of conscious, sustainable, functional and artistic firelight for the home. Kerry Ratza is inspired by the colors and smells of Lopez and endeavors to do them honor with her blends of 100% US grown soy wax, all natural essential oils and the purest dyes available. The wax is poured into glass containers sourced at the LSWDD, directly from the community that emptied the bottles and brought them to the recycling center at the dump. Several volunteers and employees there have contributed to the collection effort by picking out the particular bottles sought after by candle creator. These include 48oz kombucha bottles and top shelf liquor bottles. The candles and other rescued glass items can be found at Blossom Grocery and Paper Scissors on the rock. Look for them in the near future at the Skarpari store, set to open in the village soon and at online artisan shop.
- rickc34