Why composting? Read on!
Did you know that food scraps are the single largest component of landfill waste in the US? Compost is not garbage, it is a valuable resource! There are many benefits to home composting, including:
Save Money
Reduce your garbage bill by composting food scraps. Studies have found that about 35% of household waste is organic material. By composting, you could potentially reduce your garbage expenses by a third!
Save Water
When you compost, you build soil. Adding compost to your garden and flower beds contributes to soil health, and helps the soil retain moisture.
Save Resources
Lower your carbon footprint by reducing trips to the dump, and reducing the amount of material that has to be trucked off island and transported across the state to a landfill.
Save the Planet
When we compost, our food scraps break down into a healthy soil amendment. When we throw our food scraps into the garbage, all that organic material releases methane as it breaks down. According to the EPA, Methane is the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the United States. Methane gas is a source of significant greenhouse gas emissions and is 28 to 36 times more powerful than CO2 at trapping heat, and is a major contributor to climate change. Every time we divert organic matter from the landfill, we reduce potential greenhouse gas emissions.
Inspired and want to start composting now?
Here are some links to more information and resources about home composting. Would you like a little more guidance? Feel free to reach out to Larissa Mansfield for additional resources.
EPA, Composting at Home
Recycle Now - Backyard Composting
WSU Backyard Composting Guide (downloadable pdf)
Are you already a seasoned composter and want to share your expertise? We would love your help!